On May 4th, 2016 at 11:35 am I delivered a daughter, wrinkled and beautiful, and lifted her into my arms. We named her Eden Sarah.


Eden means delight and Sarah was chosen after my great aunt Sarah Durksen, a woman of faith who had a deep influence on my life. I was 41 weeks and 2 days. When I pulled her out of the water, I thought, “Oh there you are”. She looked exactly like I had pictured her these last 9 months. She was born weighing 8lbs even and has a head full of her daddy’s curly dark hair and the most elegant, long fingers. She has shown herself to be a relaxed and calm baby who dislikes noise and prefers to quietly snuggle the days away. Basically the exact opposite of her older brother who was loud, intense, and loved activity from the moment he was born.  We are happily hibernating at home, nursing, sleeping, and letting the new normal come slowly into our daily life.


*Photo credit- Janane Doutrich